Thursday, December 29, 2011

HBO Vampire Series: True Blood

If you enjoy a little southern charm with your bloody vampire flick, True Blood is the series for you. Set in the back woods of Louisiana in the fictional town of Bon Temps (pronounced bon toms) there is no shortage colorful characters. There is also no shortage of supernatural creatures in this award winning series.
True Blood is based on the southern vampire series written by Arkansas native Charlain Harris. As of 2011, there are eleven books in the series and while the television show is based on the same characters, it is a loose adaptation in some situations to say the least. For example, characters such as Tara have nothing more than an honorable mention in the book series but is an integral part of the first three seasons. Both are interesting but if you read, the series hoping to see your favorite scenes played out on the screen you are likely to be disappointed.
Main Characters
There are several leading characters in True Blood. The main characters are Sookie Stackhouse, a mind-reading waitress, her brother Jason Stackhouse a lovable but philandering young man and vampire Bill Compton. Other semi-permanent characters include:
  • Arlene Fowler- red headed somewhat ditzy co-worker of Sookie
  • Sam Merlotte- owner of the towns bar and Sookie’s boss
  • Tara Thornton- best friend of Sookie who comes from a troubled childhood
  • Bud Dearborn- old county sheriff
  • Andy Bellefleur- recovering alcoholic sheriff’s deputy
  • Eric Northman- Viking vampire, sheriff of area five and owner of Fangtasia a vampire bar in Shreveport
  • Pam- Eric’s progeny
  • Lafayette Reynolds- cousin to Tara, part time cook at Merlotte’s and openly homosexual
  • Terry Bellefleur- Iraq war veteran who suffers from PTSD and does odd jobs for Sam Merlotte
Plot- season one
The central plot of season one of True Blood is centered around Sookie’s mind reading abilities and a burgeoning relationship with Bill Compton. As Bon Temps, newest and most controversial resident Vampire Bill receives a mixed reaction from neighbors. Sookie is instantly interested in this new member due to the fact that she is unable to read his thoughts.
Always being able to slip into the minds of those around her causes Sookie no end of heartache and meeting a person she can simply be herself around is very attractive. Of course, she has no idea what she is getting herself into when she begins a relationship with Bill.
While Sookie and Bill are getting to know one another and developing feelings, strange things are happening in Bon Temps. Namely the murder of several young women around town with all fingers pointing toward Jason Stackhouse, since he has been with most of the women who end up dead.

By the end of season, one you find out that Arlene Fowler’s fiancée is responsible for the deaths and Bill faces the magistrar for taking the life of Longshadow, Eric’s double dipping associate who was bent on killing Sookie when she discovers his deviance. As punishment, Bill must create another vampire.  Red headed Jessica becomes Bill’s ward and the newest main character.